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Losing Weight with Law of Attraction


Law of Attraction Weight LossAn LOA weight loss coach recently sent a guest post on how to drop weight using law of attraction.

I haven’t written about that subject lately, so I was interested to share it.

Until I read it.

It was about she used meditation and self love to stick to an organic raw foods diet.

Yikes! A lot of people could get the wrong impression from that – that her success came from eating a particular way.

She was all about using spiritual processes to stick to a “healthy” diet.

That is not LOA weight loss.

At least not my idea of it.

Because we don’t necessarily know what food or exercise serves our body best. But our body does. A nutritionist, a doctor, your physical trainer, your spouse – even an LOA weight loss coach – doesn’t know.

They can’t know, because they can’t hear your inner guidance.

Conscious creators know it’s all vibrational. And each of us is unique. What serves you nutritionally could be my undoing. And vice versa.

We can’t copy eating habits or exercise routines and expect the same results.

What we can do is learn how to activate the vibrations of what we want. And then do whatever feels best.

That’s my idea of consciously manifesting a more ideal body: find the frequency of body love and then follow her instructions. She knows best, all I have to do is listen for what she wants and then give it.

Maybe she does prefer organic raw food, but it would have to be her idea, because I would never impose that on her (again).

I did a bunch of crazy eating routines in my ridiculously misinformed youth – including an entire year of no sugar. Another year of no fat. A couple months of no processed foods, half a year vegan. And I won’t recount all the juicing and cleansing fasts. That’s insane stuff when it isn’t prompted by inner wisdom or body intuition.

One doc said I ruined my metabolism and launched adrenal fatigue with all the fasting and ridiculous diets. This was way before I knew about energy, attraction and my body’s wisdom.

If I were writing an article on how to lose weight with law of attraction, I’d say this:

Find the frequency of what you want, then do what feels best.

That’s it.

Finding the frequency of your desire could be done many ways:

There are lots of ways to shift the vibe. And that’s what you want to do first.

After that, learning to trust and respond to your body’s preference is your only work.

Sometimes your body might say ‘nap’ instead of ‘workout.’ She might prefer dancing over CrossFit. She might suggest chocolate instead of grapefruit one day.

When you’re dialed on what you want, you can trust whatever your body asks for.

You won’t know what serves best until you tune in to that frequency and listen for inspiration.

Lots of folks (mostly muggles, but some LOA savvy people, too) make decisions about what’s best for their body from a place of dissatisfaction, frustration or even fear. We’re not likely to make successful choices from that vibration.

And sometimes we mistake physical addictions for true desires, so it’s helpful to get clear on the difference. (That’s actually a great time for a skilled coach like the one who wrote!)

But imposing external rules that drown out our inner knowing is not the way to go.

So. For the record. To use your creative powers to manifest a more ideal body, just engage your skills to find the vibration of what you want and let your body lead you to it.

And when your inner guidance says “organic raw” or “gluten free” or whatever it might say, please don’t assume that’s the healthy diet we should all be on.

* * * * * * * *
Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

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